
It’s time for a new book and this one is apparently “well crafted,witty, never a drag, and sure to bring a tear”. Without giving too much away, it’s the story of a family trip around Europe with a couple on the verge of a divorce. Think Emma and Dexter if THAT accident had never happened.

Us by David Nicholls is the follow up to the brilliant One day. I remember the first time I read One Day, I couldn’t put it down and didn’t stop crying at the end. At one point, you couldn’t get the tube without spotting numerous bright orange book covers! I’m secretly hoping Mr Nicholls’ next book is just as gripping and gives us all something to talk about.

The date is 7pm on Thursday 27th November and the venue is Café Des Amis

As the characters travel around Europe I thought it would be fitting for us to discuss the book whilst drinking French wine and eating French cheese in a French wine bar!


The Guardian

The Telegraph

Good Reads

Any questions, just email me:

Hope to see you all there mes amis.

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